Przewodnik po ścieżkach pieszo-rowerowych Gminy Łapsze Niżne

Chapel of St Rosalia


A long time ago, people in Niedzica suffered from cholera. One day, on Sunday after a Holy Mass, people who left the church discovered a skull rolling in front of… Read more



‘Cats’ spot’ – that is how the German name of the town, Katzwinkel, sounds in Polish. First written records about Kacwin come from as early as 1320! A certain isolation… Read more

The History Of Paloczaje’s Oak Tree


It happened when the Niedzica Castle was taken by Horváths of Palocsa. They ruled the region with a heavy hand and had no mercy for anyone. One day, when Jan… Read more



Longitudinal treeless hill in the northern part of the Magura Spiska – the observation deck is located on a bicycle pathway with a parking space and a barbecue grill